[PDF] Access to Justice: Human Rights Abuses Involving Corporations - Poland
…This study addresses issues relating to access to justice or legal remedies for human rights abuses committed with the involvement of corporations in Poland. It focuses particularly…[on] barriers to justice encountered …The first section describes the general framework for legal liability of corporations
in national law. The second section deals with available legal remedies for corporate human rights abuses…The third…discusses legal and procedural obstacles…Section four contains concluding remarks and recommendations…Polish law generally does provide remedies for victims of human rights abuses caused by corporate entities…At the same time, there are numerous…obstacles, which can render the process of pursuing justice difficult…[Also refers to Biedronka (part of Jeronimo Martins Distribution/JMD), Ekotrade, ING Nationale Nederlanden, JMD, J.W. Construction, Lionbridge Poland, Merck-Dohme Poland (part of Merck)]