Qatar: Labour abuse reported at World Cup sites and infrastructure projects, internal investigations underway
Fecha comunicada: 30 Ago 2018
Ubicación: Catar
Qatar Rail - Client , FIFA - PartnerProyectos
Qatar Rail development - Client , Education City Stadium - ClientAfectado
Total de personas afectadas: 12
Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - India , Construcción , Gender not reported ) , Trabajadores migrantes e inmigrantes: ( Número desconocido - Asia & Pacífico , Construcción , Gender not reported )Temas
Derecho a la alimentación , Condiciones de vida precarias/inadecuadas , Movilidad restringida , Retención de pasaportes , Salarios precarios , Salud personal , Negación de la libertad de movimientoRespuesta
Respuesta buscada: Sí, por Journalist
Link externo para respuesta (Más información)
Medidas adoptadas: In response to DW's article, the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy committed to investigations and Qatar Rail stated that they have launched an internal review.
Tipo de fuente: News outlet
"Is Qatar failing to deliver on its World Cup promises?", 30 August 2018
... On July 28, DW saw more than a dozen workers laboring between 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., hours designated as a rest period by the state of Qatar between June 15 and August 31, the hottest time of the year. Though experts argue there should not be any work during the day in the harsh summers — when temperatures can rise to 50 Celsius (120F) — Qatar itself has banned work during these three and a half hours... [T]he [Supreme] [C]ommittee... acknowledged that during these hours work is indeed prohibited and have promised an investigation. "We are concerned to see the evidence you have presented of work that appears to contravene Qatar's summer working hours directive underway at the Education City Stadium. Our... teams [are] working with the relevant government bodies, are now conducting a thorough investigation. We will take corrective and punitive action in the event of any breach of our standards or the law"... Akram [Qatar Rail employee] says... nothing has changed for him, even in the two years since Qatar pledged reforms. "We are seven in one room, even the food we get is stale,"... "The employer confiscated it the moment we arrived"... DW sent an email to Qatar Rail to ask why passports were still being confiscated and why seven people were forced to share one room.. In response, a spokesman for Qatar Rail said: "We have started an internal review to determine if there has been any breach of the law. If found to be true, we will take the necessary corrective action"...