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Confederación de Trabajadores de México did not respond to: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Alegaciones de amenazas de muerte contra manifestantes que se oponen al parque eólico de Mareña Renovables en Oaxaca, México, 2012
Alleged death threats against protesters of wind farm in Oaxaca, Mexico
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by Macquarie Bank: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by Mareña Renovables (joint venture Macquarie, Mitsubishi Corp. & PGGM): Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death..
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by Vestas Wind Systems: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by Mitsubishi Corporation: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats. Click here
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by FEMSA: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Response by Heineken: Mexico: Local communities protest major wind farm in Oaxaca claiming it would adversely affect their livelihood; protesters allegedly subject to intimidation & death threats.
Idiomas disponibles: English
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