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12 Ago 2024

Serbia: Tens of thousands protest against Rio Tinto lithium project backed by EU over land & water pollution concerns

On July 19, President Aleksandar Vucic together with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and EU energy chief Maros Sefcovic signed a deal on access to raw materials mined in Serbia. In the same month, Rio Tinto's licence to extract lithium in the Jadar Valley in the west of Serbia was restored.

This sparked massive protests around Serbia. At the beginning of August, tens of thousands rallied in Belgrade against lithium extraction by Rio Tinto. Protesters claim that mining could cause land and water pollution.

The protest on August 10 ended with the blockage of two train stations. Serbian officials said the protests were politically motivated and aimed at bringing down the president and the government.

Protests continue in September with thousands rallying streets in Belgrade.

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