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11 Abr 2006

Friends of the Earth

Shell Ordered to Appear by Nigerian Court

The Federal High Court of Nigeria today (Tuesday 11 April) ordered the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (Shell Nigeria) and the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to end flaring in Iwherekan community (Nigeria) by April 2007 and to appear in court in person on 31 May with a detailed plan to this effect...In November 2005...the Federal High Court of Nigeria ordered the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (Shell) to end flaring in Iwherekan community because the practice violates guaranteed constitutional rights to life and dignity. All the major multinational oil companies in Nigeria flare gas, including ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, TotalFinaElf and Agip [part of ENI], as well as Shell...and the breadth of the ruling makes clear that their flaring is also illegal.