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Respuesta de la empresa

14 Ago 2024


Tescan response

...TESCAN is a manufacturer of Charged Particle Beam Optical Instrumentation, headquartered in Brno, Czech Republic...

The last TESCAN MIRA LM of the third generation (TESCAN MIRA 3 LM) was dispatched to Russia in April 2020.

TESCAN ceased its operations in Russia, including service and spare part support, in early 2022 and has since been restricting from any form of trading with Russia based on sanctions on Russia decided by the EU and the International community.

At TESCAN, we are deeply committed to ethical business practices and rigorous adherence to international laws and regulations, including those related to export controls and the responsible use of our products. We are continually working to ensure that our technology is used appropriately and does not contribute to any activities that could undermine human rights or international peace.

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