Parte de las siguientes historias
Blackwater USA lawsuit (re 16 Sep 2007 Baghdad incident)
USA: Four Blackwater contractors jailed for massacre of Iraq civilians pardoned by Donald Trump
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US jury convicts ex-Blackwater guard of murder over deadly shooting in Nisour Square in Iraq
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Ex-Blackwater guards argue appeal
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater contractors appeal US court convictions over shootings in Iraq
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Une cour américaine condamne 4 ex-gardes de Blackwater à de lourdes peines de prison pour la mort de civils irakiens en 2007
Idiomas disponibles: français -
Comentario: Las empresas privadas militares pueden ser responsables de abusos de derechos humanos, como en el caso Blackwater
Un jury américain reconnait 4 anciens employés de l’entreprise de sécurité privée Blackwater coupables d'avoir tué des civils irakiens
Idiomas disponibles: français -
Four Blackwater guards found guilty in 2007 Iraq shootings of 31 unarmed civilians
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Rights Attorneys Who Sued Blackwater Respond to Murder, Manslaughter Verdict
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater guilty verdict long overdue
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Guards Vow to Appeal Convictions for Iraq Shooting
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US State Department reports reveal investigation into Blackwater operations in Iraq before 2007 shooting was abandoned after death threat
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Washington Denies Involvement of US Mercenaries in Ukraine
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Un cadre pour le secteur de la sécurité
Idiomas disponibles: français -
Blackwater guard charged over Baghdad murder [Iraq/USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Private Military & Security Companies and their impacts on human rights: Recent developments
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Judge criticizes State Department over Blackwater shooting case [USA/Iraq]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater founder: my company could have prevented Benghazi deaths (Libya)
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 5
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Lawyers for Blackwater Guards to Fight New Charges
Idiomas disponibles: English -
New charges brought against former Blackwater guards in Baghdad shooting
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Watchdog Body Will Oversee Private Military Contractors
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq War Contractors Fight On Against Lawsuits, Investigations, Fines [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
The Privatization of War: Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Prosecutors Mounting New Case Against Blackwater Security Guards [Iraq]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Prosecutors Outline ‘Stringent’ Safeguards in Second Chance at Blackwater Case [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US uses contractors to bypass international humanitarian laws
Idiomas disponibles: English -
DOJ Builds Criminal Case Against Blackwater Security Guards
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Supreme Court rejects Blackwater Iraq shooting appeal
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq bans security firms on oil fields
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Private military & security contractors: a culture of impunity
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Corporate Accountability Now
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater successor settles Baghdad shooting suit
Idiomas disponibles: English -
L’autorégulation des entreprises de sécurité privée est-elle suffisante pour faire respecter les normes du droit international?
Idiomas disponibles: français -
UN Panel Wants Iraq to Address Military Contractor Immunity
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Guards Pitch Manslaughter Case to U.S. Supreme Court
Idiomas disponibles: English -
D.C. Circuit Refuses To Rehear Blackwater Manslaughter Case [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Former Blackwater Guards Challenge Appeals Court Ruling
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Congress Considers Penalties for U.S. Contractors Abroad
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Appeals Court Reinstates Blackwater Manslaughter Case in D.C.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Federal judge returns shooting lawsuit involving company once known as Blackwater to NC court [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Efforts to Prosecute Blackwater Are Collapsing [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] State of Affairs: Three Years After Nisoor Square - Accountability and Oversight of U.S. Private Security and Other Contractors
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Cowboy contractors: armed and dangerous
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Privatizing War and Overlooking Abuses: The New Blackwater and their Recent Hundred Million Dollar Contracts with the United States Government
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Launch of online portal on “Business, Conflict & Peace”
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Stakeholder Submission on United States Obligations to Respect, Protect and Remedy Human Rights in the Context of Business Activities
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Biden vows the US will appeal in Iraq Blackwater case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq instructs lawyers to take on Blackwater cases
Idiomas disponibles: English -
3 Blackwater Guards Called Baghdad Shootings Unjustified
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US to Review Court Decision on Blackwater
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater settles series of civil lawsuits
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[video] McCain Hopes Blackwater Charges Will Be Reinstated
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq files case against Blackwater: PM
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraqi rage at Blackwater decision in US court
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Judge Drops Charges From Blackwater Deaths in Iraq [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Good News for Blackwater is Bad News for Industry
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] United States of America v. Paul A. Slough, et al. - Memorandum Opinion
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[US Department of Justice] Urges Closed Hearing in Blackwater Criminal Case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Feds drop manslaughter charge against one Blackwater guard
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Said to Approve $1 Million in Iraqi Bribes After Shootings
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Judge Refuses to Dismiss War Crimes Case Against Blackwater [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Accountability for Private Military Contractors Under the Alien Tort Statute
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Lawsuit: U.S. had warned Blackwater
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Prosecutors in Iraq Case See Pattern by Guards
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Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Accused in U.S. District Court of Intent to Kill
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Ex-guards' statements implicate Blackwater founder in Iraq crimes
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] In re: Blackwater Alien Tort Claims Act Litigation - Declaration of John Doe No. 2
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] In re Blackwater Litigation: Declaration of John Doe No. 1
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Seeks Gag Order
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Lawsuit now accuses Xe contractors of murder, kidnapping
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U.S. military probes Blackwater Kabul killing
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La justicia de EEUU advierte a las grandes firmas por los DDHH
Judge Refuses to Toss Charges in Blackwater Case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
U.S. will not renew Blackwater contract in Iraq
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq to Deny New License To Blackwater Security Firm
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Bagdad retire sa licence à Blackwater pour la punir d'une fusillade en 2007
Idiomas disponibles: français -
Blackwater guards plead not guilty to Iraqi deaths [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater USA lawsuit (re 16 Sep 2007 Baghdad incident)
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraqis applaud charges against Blackwater guards
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Cinq employés de Blackwater inculpés par la justice américaine
Idiomas disponibles: français -
Feds draft indictment against Blackwater guards [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches world’s first online portal profiling human rights lawsuits against companies
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[DOC] Presentation to the 4th session of the UN Working Group on the use of mercenaries, New York, 4 September 2008
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Case Faces Obstacles, Justice Dept. Says [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater Lawsuit Says Order Ignored [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
British security co. sued over death of US soldier
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[video] Bill Moyers talks with journalist Jeremy Scahill - Part 2
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Minister seeks Blackwater trials [Iraq]
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Iraq: Blackwater chairman defends guards against allegations of unprovoked shooting that killed 17
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Estate of Himoud Saed Atban, et al. v. Blackwater USA, et al. in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia - Complaint
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Blackwater USA Sued for Firing on Iraqi Civilians, According to Legal Team for Injured Survivor and Families of Three Killed
Idiomas disponibles: English
Ver caso completo
Ex-Abu Ghraib detainees lawsuits against CACI, Titan (now L-3)
Abu Ghraib Verdict: Iraqi Torture Survivors Win Landmark Case as Jury Holds Private Contractor CACI Liable
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Jury awards $42 million dollars to 3 ex-detainees of Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison; holding CACI defence contractor liable for contributing to their abuse
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Judge declares mistrial after jury deadlocks in lawsuit against military contractor CACI over alleged abuses of Abu Ghraib prisoners
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Jury deliberations continue in CACI "Abu Ghraib torture case" as the US contractor attempts to focus the blame on the army
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Jury trial against military contractor CACI over ‘sadistic abuses’ in Iraq's Abu Ghraib Prison starts after 20 years
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Judge refuses to dismiss case against U.S. military contractor CACI in Iraq's Abu Ghraib torture case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US military contractor claims legal immunity in Iraq’s Abu Gharib torture case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US Supreme Court rejects contractor’s Abu Ghraib torture appeal
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US appeals court rules military contractor can be sued over allegations of torture & war crimes in Abu Ghraib
Idiomas disponibles: English -
US judge allows lawsuit against CACI alleging co's conspiracy to torture Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison to proceed
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Al Shimari v CACI - Memorandum opinion on lack of subject matter jurisdiction
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US judge rules Abu Ghraib interrogators may be questioned incognito in lawsuit against military contractor CACI over torture allegations
Idiomas disponibles: English -
USA: Court rules case against security contractor CACI for torture claims at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq can proceed
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Court Rules Abu Ghraib Survivors’ Case of Torture Against Private Military Contractor Can Proceed
Idiomas disponibles: English -
A suit over Abu Ghraib getting to ‘what actually happened’
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Abu Ghraib ex-inmates' lawsuit moves ahead in federal court
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Suhail Najim Abdullah Al Shimari, et al., v. CACI Premier Tech, Inc.
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] The Third Pillar: Access to Judicial Remedies for Human Rights Violations by Transnational Business
Appeals Court Revives Lawsuit by Abu Ghraib Inmates
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Al Shimari, et al. v. CACI
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Appellate Court Reinstates Abu Ghraib Torture Lawsuit Against Private Military Contractor
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US appeals court examines question of responsibility for torture in case by Abu Ghraib victims
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USA: The current state of Alien Tort litigation in the business & human rights context
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US court must reject lawlessness of torture in Abu Ghraib case against CACI, says former general counsel for US Navy
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Constitutional Scholars, Military Officers, Human Rights Groups File Briefs in Support of Abu Ghraib Victims Suing Corporation for Torture
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Legal Experts Try To Reignite Iraqis' Suit Against Torture Facility Contractor
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib Survivors Appeal Immunity for Corporation Involved in Torture
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Al-Shimari, et al. v. CACI Premier Technology, et al. - Brief for Plaintiffs-Appellants
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Former Abu Ghraib detainees appeal political question dismissal of suit against war-zone contractor
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Abu Ghraib and the Perversion of the Political Question Doctrine
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Accountability gap in USA for counter-terrorism human rights abuses by military contractors is alarming, says law professor
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Abu Ghraib Goes to Court
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CACI asks US court to dismiss case over alleged torture of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib
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US court to consider if CACI can be sued for damages in USA over alleged abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison
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No impunity for corporate torturers at Abu Ghraib, attorneys argue
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U.S. corporations winning fight over human rights lawsuits
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Access to justice for victims of human rights abuses needs to be strengthened
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib torture lawsuit revived by U.S. appeals court
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims May Sue U.S. Corporation, Appeals Court Rules
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Al Shimari, et al. v. CACI, et al. - Opinion
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Justice Increasingly Distant for Victims of Corporate Abuse
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib Torture Survivors Fight on Against Military Contractors
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 5
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraqis Accuse CACI of War Crimes and Torture
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Out of Bounds - Accountability for Corporate Human Rights Abuse After Kiobel
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 10, Sep 2013
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Post-Kiobel roundup: Apartheid case is not dismissed, but may soon be; some positive decisions from other courts [USA]
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Court grants CACI’s request for legal fees [USA]
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CACI seeking payment from former Abu Ghraib prisoners
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[video] Abu Ghraib: A justice denied
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Abu Ghraib case against CACI dismissed [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 9, June 2013
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Judge weighs motions that could result in dismissal of Abu Ghraib claims against CACI
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Judge in Abu Ghraib case: 'Sooner or later, plaintiffs have to come to court'
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Hearing on Defendant CACI's motion to dismiss Plaintiffs' ATS claims in Al Shimari v. CACI
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Private military & security companies & their impacts on human rights - Bulletin Issue 4
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Seeking Corporate Accountability for Crimes at Abu Ghraib
Idiomas disponibles: English -
CACI, plaintiffs preparing for trial over Abu Ghraib allegations
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Private security's new accountability regime?
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Iraq War Contractors Fight On Against Lawsuits, Investigations, Fines [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Federal Judge Dismisses Much of Abu Ghraib Torture Suit Against Contractor
Idiomas disponibles: English -
The Privatization of War: Mercenaries, Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC)
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib scandal continuing to create repercussions for contractors
Idiomas disponibles: English -
$5M paid to Iraqis over Abu Ghraib
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin - Issue 7
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Second Session of the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group to consider the possibility of an international regulatory framework on the regulation, monitoring and oversight of the activities of private military and security companies -...
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] New Briefing Highlights Human Rights Lawsuits Against Companies Over Alleged Abuses in Over 25 Countries
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Appeals court revives Iraqis’ Abu Ghraib suits [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Corporate Accountability Now
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Federal Court to Decide Whether Former Abu Ghraib Prisoners Can Sue U.S. Contractors for Damages [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Challenge Corporate Impunity
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Al-Quraishi v L-3 Services, Incorporated - Opinion
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Appeals court in Virginia tosses 2 lawsuits claiming Iraqis tortured by Abu Ghraib contractors [USA]
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Combating Impunity
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Abu Ghraib Inmates Lose U.S. High Court Bid to Sue Contractors
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U.S. Government Undermines Abu Ghraib Torture Victims' Right to Remedy
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Abu Ghraib Torture Victims Deserve Compensation
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Abu Ghraib contractors seek civil immunity
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib lawsuits against CACI, Titan (now L-3)
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib Case Involving Private Contractors Draws Top Court's Interest
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Group Urges Supreme Court to Hold Military Contractors Accountable for Torture and Abuse
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Retired Senior Military Officers, Rights Groups File Amicus Briefs Asking Supreme Court to Hear Abu Ghraib Torture Case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Opinion in Saleh v. Titan Corp. and CACI International
Idiomas disponibles: English -
U.S. court dismisses Iraqi contractor torture case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Court rules Abu Ghraib torture victims can sue contractor CACI, according to legal team for former detainees [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Federal Appeals Court Hears Abu Ghraib Torture Suits [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Abu Ghraib inmates sue contractors, claim torture
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CACI Rejects Copycat Lawsuits and False Allegations
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Ex-Abu Ghraib detainees sue military contractors for torture
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CCR Files Four New Abu Ghraib Torture Lawsuits Targeting Military Contractors in U.S. Courts
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Former Abu Ghraib Prisoner Accuses CACI, L-3 of Torture in Suit
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The War Comes Home
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Federal Judge Lets Abu Ghraib Suit Against Government Contractor Go Forward
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US judge: contractor can face Iraqi torture suit
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The Forgotten Conspiracy - Corporate Torture in Iraq
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Online Action Center - Investigate and prosecute military contractors who torture
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Companies Running Detention Centers Can Be Sued for Human Rights Violations [USA]
Idiomas disponibles: English
Ver caso completo