Parte de las siguientes historias
Trafigura settles UK lawsuit regarding toxic waste dumped in Côte d’Ivoire - victims rights group says settlement "not fair"
Senior staff comments on Trafigura Case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Trader Trafigura says settles Ivorian waste case
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Agreed Final Joint Statement [by Trafigura and Leigh Day & Co.]
Idiomas disponibles: English -
Greenpeace continues Trafigura pursuit over toxic waste
Idiomas disponibles: English -
The Trafigura files and how to read them
Idiomas disponibles: English -
[PDF] Report to UN Human Rights Council - Addendum: Mission to Côte d’Ivoire and the Netherlands
Idiomas disponibles: English
Ver la historia completa
Trafigura offers to settle claims of victims of Côte d'Ivoire toxic dumping
How UK oil company Trafigura tried to cover up African pollution disaster
Idiomas disponibles: English -
The Trafigura files and how to read them
Idiomas disponibles: English
Ver la historia completa