Watchdog group says Chevron complicit in Myanmar
A human rights watchdog group on Tuesday accused Chevron Corp of complicity in human rights abuses along a natural gas pipeline in Myanmar in which it holds a stake and said Chevron could be sued. EarthRights International claimed in a report issued on Tuesday that Myanmar's army has in recent years committed serious abuses including rape and murder while providing security for the pipeline that moves gas from the Yadana gas field, located offshore in the Andaman Sea... Chevron said it strongly disagreed with the report. "The allegations of human rights abuses associated with the project are baseless," spokesman Kurt Glaubitz said in a statement. Yadana "helps meet the energy needs of people in the region, supports critical health, education and infrastructure programs, and serves as a positive influence in the country," he said... [also refers to Total, PTT, Myanmar Oil & Gas Enterprise]