UK: Private members bill seeks amendments to Modern Slavery Act including requiring companies to publish disclosure statements in annual report & accounts
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UK: Recent convictions of business owners over modern slavery provides cautionary tale for global businesses
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The Modern Slavery Act 2015: corporate reporting requirements to tackle slavery in supply chains
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UK firms must show proof they have no links to slave labour under new rules
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UK Home Office guidance on Modern Slavery Act transparency requirements
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A few questions and answers about the Modern Slavery Act
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10 steps organisations should take to start preparing to comply with the UK Modern Slavery Act
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Shift maps supply chain reporting provision in UK's Modern Slavery Act against UN Guiding Principles
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UK Govt. to require companies with a turnover of £36 million or more to publish an annual slavery & human trafficking statement from October
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CORE says UK Govt. must ensure that new measures shine a light into company supply chain practices
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2 UK business leaders call for law on modern slavery to be toughened
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UK: Landmark bill to help eradicate modern slavery passes into law
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UK: Modern Slavery Bill focuses on criminalisation & border control rather than challenging causes of exploitation, says academic
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Anti-Slavery Europe analyses bill
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Blog: Modern slavery: If I had a hammer
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Briefing Note on the Modern Slavery Bill
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Press Release: Investors support inclusion of supply chain reporting in Modern Slavery Bill
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UK's first anti-slavery commissioner threatens to expose companies that fail to take steps to eradicate forced labour from supply chains
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UK: Govt's former special envoy for human trafficking warns Modern Slavery bill fails to focus on needs of victims
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Surprise news from UK Home Office re Modern Slavery Bill adds momentum to Transparency in Supply Chains campaign
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Commentary: Ethical Trading Initiative representative says bill does not “tackle modern slavery in supply chains”
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UK firms will have to disclose actions they have taken to ensure slavery free supply chains
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Big Business to be held to account to keep supply chains slavery free
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CORE urges UK Govt. to hold companies accountable for abuses abroad including forced labour, land grabs, conflict minerals
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CORE: UK Govt. must legislate to tackle corporate human rights abuse abroad
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ETI & British Retail Consortium letter to UK Prime Minister David Cameron
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CORE submission to Joint Committee on Human Rights re Modern Slavery Bill
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ETI & British Retail Consortium letter to UK Prime Minister David Cameron
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Walk Free petition: Ask David Cameron PM to ensure UK companies lead the fight against modern slavery
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David Cameron could have been an anti-slavery hero [UK]
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Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group publishes alternative Modern Slavery Bill
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UK: Parliament calls for written evidence on Modern Slavery Bill
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The British Retail Consortium welcomes the Draft Modern Slavery Bill [UK]
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[PDF] Draft Modern Slavery Bill - Report
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Investors call for supply chain transparency legislation in UK modern slavery bill
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète