Armenia: Local residents file lawsuits against Akhtala mining & processing plant over violation of environmental rights
Date indiquée: 30 Jui 2021
Lieu: Arménie
Akhtala Ore Dressing Combine - Parent CompanyProjets
Akhtala mining and processing plant - OperationConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Communauté: ( Chiffre inconnu - Arménie , Exploitation minière , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Pollution des solsRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: NGO
Date indiquée: 30 Jui 2021
Lieu: Arménie
Akhtala Ore Dressing Combine - Parent CompanyProjets
Akhtala mining and processing plant - OperationConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Communauté: ( Chiffre inconnu - Arménie , Exploitation minière , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Santé personnelleRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: NGO
Date indiquée: 30 Jui 2021
Lieu: Arménie
Akhtala Ore Dressing Combine - Parent CompanyProjets
Akhtala mining and processing plant - OperationConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Santé personnelle , Pollution des eauxRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: NGO
"About 70 residents of the polluted Tumanyan region will defend their right to a healthy environment in court", 30 June 2021
Approximately 70 residents of the Tumanyan region of Armenia's Lori marz will defend their right to health, life, and property in court. Residents of the extended Akhtala community...[H]ave filed lawsuits against the mining and processing plant located in Akhtala that are based on analyses carried out by Arnika.
...[T]he lawsuits concern violations of the right to health, the right to privacy, and the right to inviolability of property, along with claims for damages.
The lawsuits are based on the results of analyses of samples taken from local residents who are exposed to the polluting factories of the mining industry, as well as samples of soil, water, and agricultural products from areas of persistent pollution.