A Brazilian rancher [
José Teixeira] supplying sugarcane to a joint venture partner of energy giant Shell has reportedly issued a death threat against a political opponent...Shell and Brazilian ethanol company Cosan are now united in a $12 billion joint venture company called Raizen, to produce ethanol to sell as a biofuel. Cosan is buying sugarcane grown on Guarani land that Teixeira continues to occupy. Survival has urged Shell and Cosan to stop using sugarcane grown on the Guarani’s land, but the companies continue to use it. The Guarani of Guyraroká community were evicted from their land decades ago by ranchers...The Guarani['s]...lives and livelihoods are at risk as they have very little space to plant crops or hunt game [and] chemicals used on the sugarcane plantations are polluting [their local] rivers...