Farzaneh Zilabi - Syndicate of Workers of Haft Tappeh Cane Sugar Company (SWHTCSC)
Farzaneh Zilabi is a human rights lawyer who has represented the Syndicate of Workers of Haft Tappeh Cane Sugar Company (SWHTCSC) in Shush, Khuzestan south Iran. Following the privatisation of the Haft Tappeh Sugarcane Agro-Industrial Complex in 2015, workers and the syndicate organised a number of strikes, most recently in August 2021, against the continuous unpaid wages of employees and the alleged corruption of the former owners. Zilabi has also represented many individual labour rights defenders and has been outspoken about torture reported by her clients. Zilabi was summoned in May 2021 and on 13 September 2021 she was sentenced to one year in prison and a two-year travel ban on the charge of “propaganda activities against the state.” Many workers and activists were arrested in relation to the protests over the years. Farzaneh Zilabi has also previously been summoned for representing the Haft Tappeh workers on a number of occasions.