Italy: Natl. Action Plan on Business & Human Rights open for consultation
The NAP addresses the adverse impact that business may have on human rights and identifies specific commitments with the aim of effectively integrate UNGP sat national level and business activities. On a wider scope, it also addresses the need of facing the current global challenges with reference to competition and human rights in the context of the international market...With the aim of analysing specific matters related to the Italian context, the NAP mainly focuses on five priorities representing the business and human rights areas that NAP intends to address. The identification and selection of these areas has been made based on the UNGPs gaps analysis conducted in the National Baseline and the Study of University of Sant‟ Anna. The following priorities are subject to regular review and update by the Steering Group on Business and Human Rights:
- Promoting due diligence process with particular focus on SMEs;
- Promoting environmental protection and sustainability;
- Eliminating caporalato (especially in agricultural sector) and other forms of exploitation, forced labour, slavery and irregular work, with particular focus on migrants and victims of trafficking;
- The promotion of fundamental labour rights in the internationalization process of enterprises with particular regard to the global supply chain;
- Tackling discrimination and inequality and promoting equal opportunities;
- Strengthening the role of Italy in a human rights based international development cooperation.