Updated draft legally binding instrument on business and human rights
Jaurocks (Wikicommons)
" Updated draft legally binding instrument (clean version) to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises", July 2023
The text is submitted in accordance with paragraph 25 (g) of A/HRC/52/41, and in line with para paragraph 25 (i), will form the basis for State-led direct substantive intergovernmental negotiations during the ninth session of the open-ended intergovernmental working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with respect to human rights...
In this context, this document contains an updated draft legally binding instrument, which has been elaborated during the intersessional period taking into consideration the following materials:
- The concrete textual proposals and comments submitted by States during the eighth session, which refer to comments and concrete textual suggestions expressed therein on the third revised draft legally binding instrument (A/HRC/52/41/Add.1), and to the comments and concrete textual suggestions on the informal suggested Chair proposals for select articles of the legally binding instrument (A/HRC/WG.16/8/CRP.2).
- The concrete textual proposals submitted by all other relevant stakeholders during the eight session (which can be found here).
- The compilation of written inputs by stakeholders entitled to speak at the public sessions of the working group (note verbale of 2 March 2023).
- The outcomes of the consultations as reported by the friends of the Chair...ビジネスと人権に関する条約改訂草案