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28 Jui 2024

Satellite cos. sell images of Ukrainian locations later targeted by Russian missiles, new investigation shows; incl. cos. non-responses

An investigation by Molfar analysed a potential link between sales of commercial satellite images of Ukrainian areas and Russian missile strikes on Ukraine.

Investigators analysed 321 cases. Out of this number, 277 confirmed that satellite images of the exact locations that were later targeted by Russia had been ordered a few days before the strikes.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre reached out to 8 satellite companies mentioned in the investigation (Maxar, Planet, 21AT, Satellogic, SI Imaging Services, SpaceWill, ImageSat International and Capella). None of the companies responded.

Réponses de l'entreprise

Maxar Technologies

Aucune réponse

Planet Labs

Aucune réponse

Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology (21 AT)

Aucune réponse


Aucune réponse


Aucune réponse

ImageSat International (ISI)

Aucune réponse

SI Imaging Services (SIIS)

Aucune réponse


Aucune réponse
