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3 Mai 2019

New York Taxi Workers Alliance

US: Uber, Lyft & other app drivers list demands ahead of strike

"BREAKING: NYC Uber & Lyft drivers to STRIKE May 8th!", 3 May 2019

On Wednesday, May 8, 2019... New York City app drivers will be going on strike. NYTWA's app driver members voted to log off on Wednesday morning to join the international day of driver strikes ahead of Uber's IPO. Drivers from Los Angeles to Philadelphia are striking in United States, drivers in London are making it global, and now drivers in NYC, Uber's biggest market, are joining in solidarity. 

NYC app driver demands include: 

  • Job security - end unfair deactivations that force drivers to live in fear of losing their livelihoods

  • Livable incomes - winning the cap and the minimum pay rate was just the first step. We demand an end to the scam of upfront pricing. 

  • Regulate the fare Uber/Lyft/Juno/Via charge passengers, and cap the companies' commission, guaranteeing 80-85% of the fare to the driver
