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21 Aoû 2024

Tokyo Shimbun

Cambodia: 12 Japanese workers allegedly deceived by false advertising & forced to work believed to be victims of human trafficking

"カンボジアで邦人12人保護 だまされ渡航、強制労働か," 21 August 2024

[Unofficial description by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

Twelve Japanese who were deceived by false job advertisements offering "easy, high-paying jobs" and traveled to Cambodia, where they were forced to work, have been taken into custody by local police.

Several other Japanese nationals are believed to have been involved in the 12 people's journey to Cambodia, but are currently on the run.

Investigators believe they are "victims of human trafficking."

Fait partie des chronologies suivantes

Cambodia: Rights groups express concern over human trafficking as scam operations grow

Cambodia: Rights groups express concern over human trafficking as scam operations grow