Al Jazeera accused of fostering "toxic work culture" amid allegations of sexual harassment, sexism, bullying & racism, investigated by BBC; incl. co. comments
Date indiquée: 17 Oct 2022
Lieu: Qatar
Al Jazeera - EmployerConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Travailleurs: ( Chiffre inconnu - Lieu inconnu , Médias/édition : Généralités , Gender not reported ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Lieu inconnu , Médias/édition : Généralités , Women , Unknown migration status ) , Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Lieu inconnu , Médias/édition : Généralités , Men , Unknown migration status )Enjeux
Déni de liberté d'expression , Intimidation et menacesRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par Journalist
Mesures prises: None reported.
Type de source: News outlet
"Al Jazeera staff allege harassment and bullying went unchecked," 17 Oct 2022
A BBC investigation - drawing on interviews with several current and former employees at Al Jazeera, and documentary evidence of inappropriate messages and staff complaints - has found several allegations of sexual harassment against Mr Santamaria in the broadcaster's Doha newsroom..
They also accuse the company of fostering a toxic work culture where complaints of harassment, sexism, bullying and racism largely go unaddressed...
The BBC sent Al Jazeera a detailed list of the 22 allegations it had uncovered, but the broadcaster did not address them individually, instead saying it "considers its staff across the world the backbone and foundation of the company…
Employees also told the BBC they struggle to raise issues in Qatar…
The hiring system in Qatar ties the work visa, children's school, housing and other benefits to a specific company - so workers struggle to leave abusive jobs, said Marti Flacks, a senior fellow at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies.
They are also reluctant to report abusive and inappropriate behaviour, Ms Flacks added, because they face "challenges accessing effective remedy, such as compensation".
Employees say they have little confidence that the allegations will lead to change at Al Jazeera, where they accuse managers of looking the other way for years.