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30 Jul 2024

Bangladesh: Garment factory closes without paying workers' owed wages, reportedly due to 'dwindling' orders from buyers; incl. co. responses

Fardous Hasan Pranto, Shutterstock

In June 2024, it was reported that the Anzir Apparels factory shut down due to a lack of orders from buyers, without paying workers' owed wages.

In July 2024, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited ALDI SOUTH, ASOS, C&A, Lojas Renner, MANGO and River Island to respond. The responses can be found below.

Réponses de l'entreprise

River Island Voir la réponse
ALDI South Voir la réponse

Aucune réponse

Lojas Renner SA Voir la réponse
