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6 Jul 2023

Human Rights Watch

Bangladesh: Human Rights Watch call for independent & transparent investigation into murder of union leader Shahidul Islam

"Bangladesh: Labor Activist Killed", 6 July 2023

Bangladesh authorities should ensure an independent and transparent investigation into the murder of union leader, Shahidul Islam, Human Rights Watch said today...

The Bangladesh government is yet to act comprehensively to end continuing violations of garment workers’ rights, including anti-union tactics by managers and assaults on union organizers, Human Rights Watch said. The United States and European Union have both linked Bangladesh’s continued access to trade preferences to making urgent improvements in labor rights and workplace safety...

The managing director at the factory denied any connection with the attack, telling the media that “The incident did not happen near the factory premises.” All those found to be involved should be held to account, Human Rights Watch said.

On June 26, 2023, the day after Islam was murdered, the president of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Faruque Hassan, met with Charles Whiteley, head of the EU delegation to Bangladesh and claimed during the meeting that Bangladesh has made progress on workers’ rights in the ready-made garment industry.

He asked for a three-year extension of Bangladesh’s trade preferences under the EU’s Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP). The EU should view Islam’s murder as an indication of the state of workers’ rights in Bangladesh as it considers the government’s request to extend duty-free access to the EU market, Human Rights Watch said...

The authorities should undertake an independent investigation into Islam’s murder with technical assistance from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to ensure that it is timely, independent, and complies with international investigation and fair trial standards, Human Rights Watch said.

The factory management should ensure that workers’ concerns regarding unpaid wages are fully resolved in a timely manner...If they have not already done so, all buyers who have placed orders with the factory should review their purchasing practices, including payment terms, to ensure they are fair and expedite payments to the factory...

The EU’s proposed legislation on corporate sustainability due diligence should require brands and retailers, including small- and medium-sized companies, to conduct human rights due diligence. This should include appropriate requirements for workers’ freedom of association in their global supply chains as well as brands and retailers’ purchasing practices to prevent and mitigate causing or contributing to labor abuses, Human Rights Watch said...

Bangladesh is currently under “Enhanced Engagement” by the EU Commission “due to concerns with the country’s overall adherence to human and labor rights.” The EU Commission should undertake a monitoring mission to Bangladesh as part of its enhanced engagement with the country, Human Rights Watch said. The EU Commission should also urgently and vocally request the Bangladesh government to report on how it is ensuring a transparent and swift investigation into Islam’s death, and ensuring that workers are able to freely exercise their rights to assembly and association...
