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25 Avr 2022

New Age

Bangladesh: Rana Plaza survivors and families of victims stage human chain on ninth anniversary, demanding rehabilitation & compensation

"Rana Plaza survivors demand rehabilitation", 25 April 2022

Injured survivors of the Rana Plaza tragedy on Sunday demanded their rehabilitation and proper treatment of the injuries they sustained nine years back in 2013...

A number of labour organisations and trade unions also remembered the victims of the Rana Plaza tragedy and demanded workplace safety and a standard wage for workers.

Leaders of Garment Sramik Odhikar Andolan, a platform of trade unions, demanded punishment of the perpetrators and treatment for injured workers, who are still suffering from their injuries.

Labour leaders Mosharefa Mishu, Shamin Imam, Taslima Akhter and Masud Reza among others spoke at a rally presided over by Shahidul Islam Sabuj after placing a wreath at the monument set in memory of Rana Plaza victims in front of the ill-fated building.

They said that in the aftermath of the tragedy people donated a handsome amount of money to the Prime Minister’s fund for the survivors but the money was not distributed among the victims.

Rana Plaza Garment Workers Union, Bangladesh Garment Workers’ Solidarity, Garment Workers’ Trade Union Centre, Sramik Karmachari Oikya Parishad and Garment Workers Front among others placed wreaths in Savar.

Many organisations also remembered the victims at Jurain Graveyard, where many of the victims were buried.

Trade union leaders demanded justice for all the victims of deadly incidents, including Rana Plaza, Tazreen, Spectrum and Hashem Food to avoid the recurrence of similar tragedies...

New Age correspondent in Jahangirnagar University reported that over 200 injured workers, victim families and trade union leaders staged a human chain protest on the Dhaka-Aricha highway, demanding proper rehabilitation of injured workers and compensation.

They also chanted slogans demanding a speedy trial in the murder case filed over the collapse and bringing others—who reportedly gave approval to run the factory despite detecting a crack on the wall – to justice...

The workers’ leaders and injured workers claimed that the local administration was trying to demolish the Rana Plaza memorial in the name of broadening the highway...

They also urged the government to acquire the Rana Plaza compound and use it for the rehabilitation of injured workers and dead workers’ families.  

Mayor of Savar Municipality Hazi Abdul Gani told New Age that the highway authorities were looking into the matter.
