Bikita Mineral's response
...The 'Investigating Illicit Financial Flows in Zimbabwe’s Lithium Mining Sector' report presents several serious mistakes and inaccuracies which appear to suggest and/or show insufficient knowledge of the facts and a complete lack of understanding of both lithium mining and the lithium market... Bikita has spent a considerable amount of time and effort with the role-players within Zimbabwe to try and educate them as to the specific mineral (petalite) that Bikita mines and exports, which is NOT the same mineral (spodumene) that is used in the manufacture of batteries...
Two attached documents that we use widely will adequately cover this:
Bikita Minerals Press Statement (circulated to 23 journalists from all the major Zimbabwe publications during a mine visit in 2018)
A presentation ‘Petalite in the lithium market (April 2019)’
...also attached [are multiple] supporting documents for our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.