Bosnia and Herzegovina - Behind closed gates: ethnic discrimination in employment
...[Discrimination] continues to be one of the most serious obstacles to the return of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs). This report focuses on the continuing discrimination against workers from ethnic minorities, including in equal access to work and full reparation...for the discriminatory dismissals suffered in the past. [Also discusses mass graves on site of New Ljubija Mines (joint venture Mittal Steel & RŽR Ljubija) & concerns regarding lack of cooperation by New Ljubija Mines with investigation of gravesites. Also refers to Aluminij, INKOS, Radnik, Vitinka, "19 Decembar" construction company, "6 Avgust" wood processing company, Livno-Bus, business partners of Aluminij: Conoco (ConocoPhillips), DaimlerChrysler, Debis, Norsk Hydro, FIAT, Glencore, TLM Šibenik]