[BP response regarding environmental & health concerns raised in Crude Accountability’s report
...All over the world including Azerbaijan we apply best global practices and standards to our oil and gas operations processes. In Azerbaijan, we use produced water separated from the oil stream for water injection into the wells offshore. This practice provides the best environmental option for management and disposal of the produced water. Discharges that may take place during the water flooding operations are minimized, risk assessed, monitored and controlled...We are committed to responsible development of hydrocarbon resources wherever we operate including Azerbaijan where potential environmental impact and ambient environmental conditions are closely monitored via our operational and ambient environmental monitoring programmes...We are not aware of any significant environmental degradation since we have been operating (summaries of all environmental survey results can be found in our annual BP in Azerbaijan Sustainability Reports[1]). Communities affected by our operations and pipelines are critical stakeholders in ensuring sustainable development of our business. Regular meetings are held in communities, including those close to the Sangachal terminal, to explain current operations and discuss any issues raised by the communities. This activity continued in 2012 to create greater awareness in these communities of our underlying health, safety and environmental standards...These information exchange meetings are very instrumental in addressing public concerns with regard to operational impact to the environment and are well received and appreciated by the communities...We are committed to the safety and sustainable development of our own people as well as the communities and societies in which we operate.