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Réponse de l'entreprise

14 Aoû 2023

Brasil BioFuels response about attacks on Tembé indigenous people in Pará

...The BBF Group (Brasil BioFuels) clarifies that on 07 August, a group of 30 people invaded the Tomé-Açu Pole, private property of the company, and set fire to dozens of tractors, machinery and also company buildings. The BBF Group's private security team managed to contain the criminal action and safeguard the lives of the workers who were on site (videos and photos can be downloaded at the link: https://we.tl/t-X4iA3ImmJw).

The company also clarifies that since 6 July groups have been invading its Rio Negro Farm, in the Tomé-Açu region, and that this area is not demarcated indigenous land but private property of the company...[W]orkers were intercepted by about 100 invaders, who threatened to burn the headquarters of Fazenda Rio Negro....

On 26 July, in a new police report, registered under the number 00481/2023.101634-6, the details of the robberies and thefts of palm fruits on the farm were reported, where invaders held two employees hostage until the arrival of a Military Police force that negotiated the release of the workers.

On the morning of 4 August, a specialised battalion of the Military Police went to Fazenda Rio Negro with the aim of removing the invaders from the site...[T]he group of invaders harassed the officers of the PM/CME battalion and threatened the company's outsourced private security team....

...[The]...BBF Group faces a complex and violent scenario of invasions, promoted by a group that practises various types of crimes against the company's assets, workers, community residents and the environment...

The company continues to provide all the necessary legal support, evidence and clarifications to the public security agencies of the State of Pará with the objective of a quick solution to the recent cases...

(Translated by the BHRRC)
