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21 Avr 2010

Mining Watch and other Canadian groups [Canada]

Canadian Fact-finding Delegation Discovers Mexican Community Devastated by Mining Activities of Blackfire Exploration

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A Canadian delegation that visited Chiapas, Mexico following the murder of social activist Mariano Abarca ...has concluded that Blackfire should leave Chiapas....“...[W]e found...a community devastated by... intimidation, violence, bad mining practices, environmental destruction, and legal harassment – and the bloody murder of Mariano Abarca, who spoke up against this destruction,” said Rick Arnold, of Common Frontiers. “It is the view of the Abarca family that Blackfire is ultimately, if not directly, responsible for the violence that followed the arrival of the mine...” said Dawn Paley, a journalist and researcher who participated in the delegation... “This feeling is shared by many in the community of Chicomuselo”...
