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18 Aoû 2022

Resumen Chile

Chile: National Forestry Corporation ratifies decision to ban Chinese company from clearing native forest for Central Rucalhue hydroelectric project


[Translated by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]

"Conaf ratified that the Chinese company cannot cut down or alter native forest to carry out the Central Rucalhue hydroelectric project"- 14 August 2022

...The company Rucalhue Energía SpA, owner of the Central Rucalhue hydroelectric project, received a new stop after the National Forestry Corporation did not give place to the appeal filed in late June against the rejection of declaring the project of national interest ... Through its social networks the Municipality of Quilaco released the information, where the Executive Directorate of Conaf confirmed its Exempt Resolution No. 508 ... In this sense, the declaration of national interest is essential for the hydroelectric project, because this would allow it to cut down and alter the habitat of species in conservation category, specifically the guindo santo and naranjillo, which is gathered in 8.95 hectares according to Conaf reports and has a total of 379 species... During June, Conaf stated that "the measures to protect the species despite the intervention were neither sufficient nor in accordance with the current regulations", so that "it could not be demonstrated or proven that the activities of the Rucalhue Hydroelectric Power Plant project are of national interest", leading to the rejection of the application. However, the company could appeal to other bodies to try to get Conaf to rescind its resolution... In addition to this context of summons, the company is currently processing the request to revoke the electricity concession of the hydroelectric project, which has been sent to the Superintendency of Electricity and Fuels.