China: Workers at Suntech's Wuxi solar panel factory go on strike over company's alleged unpaid "vacation" scheme amid order shortage
"Suntech’s Wuxi Workers Strike Suggests A Looming Decline For The Once-Dominant Industry Leader" 30 April 2024
According to online sources, on April 26th, an estimated 2,000 workers at Suntech Wuxi factory went on strike. Jiangsu Wuxi Suntech Solar Power Co., Ltd. allegedly decided to give employees at its Wuxi factory a long, unpaid “vacation” starting on May 1st due to a shortage in orders...Many believed that the company’s move was a lay-off in disguise, leading to a strike demanding proper compensation...
The local police force was dispatched into the factory to de-escalate and prevent workers from moving the demonstration to public places. At one point, they clashed with striking workers...
On the 28th, some workers who wished to leave Suntech received a N+1 compensation (Note: N+1 compensation means a termination compensation of one month’s pay plus settlement of any outstanding wages, as stipulated in Article 40 of the Chinese Labor Contract Law)...
Suntech Power Holdings Co., Ltd. is an established Chinese solar panel manufacturer...Suntech’s fortunes began to turn after peaking in 2008 due to market saturation for solar products and poor investments...On March 18th, Suntech’s creditors jointly filed a bankruptcy and reorganization petition on the company to a local court...