Commentary: G20 needs to deliver on commitments towards sustainable supply chains
"How the G20 Can Make Globalisation Work for All", 16 May 2017
...The G20 is a key forum to demonstrate that global trade and investment can lead to better living and working conditions worldwide, in line with the SDGs. In specific, as the current global economy depends heavily on the use and functioning of global supply chains, it is imperative to equitable growth and development that these supply chains be sustainable... Many stakeholder groups have been actively engaging with the G20 process, pushing for bold new and specific commitments on sustainable supply chains... [U]nfair and unjust business practices are hallmarks of the current model — allowing large companies to profit off of cheap labor and production by spurring a race to the bottom in terms of human rights, labor, and environmental protections... In order to address, and ultimately reverse, this base inequality, [...] global supply chains must take into account human rights and environmental issues...