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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

14 Jui 2022

Cristóbal Pop - Mayan Q'eqchi' Ancestral Authorities Councils

Date de l'incident
14 Jui 2022
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Cristóbal Pop
Consejos de Autoridades Ancestrales Maya Q´eqchi´
Peuples indigènes, Chef ou membre de la communauté concernée
Détention arbitraire
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Guatémala
Solway Group Suisse Produits chimiques : Généralités, Activités diversifiées/conglomérats, Ciment, Métaux et acier, Exploitation minière


Cristóbal Pop, an authority of the Four Councils of Maya Q'eqchi' Ancestral Authorities and president of the Izabal Lake Fishermen's Union, was arrested after participating in a peaceful protest in the vicinity of the Fénix mining project, which belongs to a subsidiary of the Russian-Swiss capital company Solway Investment Group. Cristóbal Pop and the other leaders had just denounced before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) that the state had dispossessed them of their lands and illegally registered them in the name of individuals and companies, producing agrarian conflicts and that free, prior and informed consultation had not been carried out. They also requested precautionary measures from the IACHR due to the attacks and threats against the Q'eqchi' authorities by Solway and its supporters.