We appreciate the responses received from the Design Team sub consultants of Kok-Zhailyau project – Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd, KPMG, Horwath HTL, CaspiEcology, Engineerisk, ARUP, and GeoData Plus (Design Team). However, it is rather disappointing that the Design Team preferred to point few minor technical details out of the Petition but not to respond to the major environmental, social, health and legal concerns related to Kok-Zhailyau ski resort construction…The IASNNP [Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park] and Kok-Zhailyau valley…provide Almaty with…fresh air and potable water…[T]he Kok-Zhailyau project suggests to cut down a 27.42 ha of trees at the National Park for construction…Almaty is considered as one of the most polluted cities in the world…As a result, the illnesses among local citizens and children are of a high rate including cancer, allergy, asthma, immunodeficiency…[N]o substantial researches were conducted to assess the adverse impact on citizen’s health or this information is being hidden from the public. The Feasibility Study of Kok-Zhailayu project...provides no screening, review and identification of impacts and risks that the project will pose to the local population’s well-being…Almaty lacks potable water…[T]he ski resort is going to deprive the local citizens from water resources…[includes photographs sent to us by Green Salvation] [The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre invited the following companies to respond: CaspiEcology Environmental Services (which responded on behalf of Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd., Arup, Engineerisk, and KPMG) - Ecosign Mountain Resort Planners Ltd. also provided a separate response; and ТОО «Горнолыжный курорт «Көкжайлау», which did not respond.]