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29 Mar 2006

China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment (CAEFI)

ECFIC Beijing Declaration On Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) [China]

Foreign investment companies...declare [their] commitment to the following activities: (1) Abide strictly by Chinese laws (2) Discipline corporate conducts, promote social ethics and observe the value of credibility (3) Fulfill tax duties according to law (4) Provide the public with both qualified and quality product, and top-notch customer service (5) Protect Intellectual Property Right, prohibit the use of IPR infringing product, observe copyright, patent right and the right to trademarks, and promote legal use of software (6) Create opportunities for employment and career development for local communities (7) Protect the legal rights of employees (8) Contribute to building an energy efficient society through effectively reducing energy consumption in production, delivering energy saving products and undertaking corporate duties as well as fulfilling corporate responsibilities in the field of environmental protection and resource recycling (9) Participate vigorously in social welfare endeavors, including disaster relief, environmental protection, education, culture, sports and health care (10) Assure timely, accurate and objective disclosure of relative corporate information to the society, shareholders, consumers and all related individuals and organizations according to law (11) Act as paradigms that promote active participation by other companies in CSR activities (12) Act as credible corporate citizens and seek harmony and common prosperity with the local nation/region and the local society
