‘Don’t worry, it’s a branch of Amazon’: Exploitation of migrant workers contracted to Amazon in Saudi Arabia
Date indiquée: 10 Oct 2023
Lieu: Arabie Saoudite
Al-Mutairi Support Services - Labour Supplier , Basmah Al-Musanada - Labour Supplier , Amazon.com - Other Value Chain EntityAutre
Not Reported ( Cabinets de recrutement ) - RecruiterConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 22
Travailleurs migrants et immigrés: ( Chiffre inconnu - Népal , Commerce de détail , Men , Unknown migration status )Enjeux
Conditions de vie précaires/inadaptées , Frais de recrutement , Substitution de contrat , Accès à l'information , Salaire impayé , Salaires justes et égaux , Refus de congé , Heures supplémentaires obligatoires , Accès aux médicaments , Exposition à la chaleur , Respect de la vie privée , Licenciement , Mobilité restreinte , Emploi irrégulier , Accès à l'eau , Droit à l'alimentation , Accès à l'électricité , Refus de contrats à durée indéterminée , Surveillance , Santé et sécurité au travail , Blessures , Maladie , Accès à un recours non judiciaire , Intimidation et menaces , Coups et violence , Déni de liberté d'expression , Santé mentale , Traite des êtres humains , Objectifs de production excessifsRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par NGO
Lien externe vers la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Neither the government of Saudi Arabia nor the two labour supply companies responded to Amnesty International’s allegations put to them in correspondence in August and July 2023, respectively, or to requests for data and other information. In September 2023, Amazon said it had hired consultants to investigate and review supply companies’ labour practices and take steps to remedy some abuses, including reimbursing the recruitment fees of those interviewed for this report. In February 2024, Amazon announced it had conducted an assessment with third party labour rights experts to investigate the issues raised. Through audits, Amazon says it has verified the subcontractor has remediated the 'most serious concerns', including improvements to workers housing and developments of more robust grievance mechanisms. To remediate fee payment, Amazon has paid USD 1.9 million in reimbursements to over 700 contracted workers.
Type de source: NGO
This report documents serious human rights abuses suffered by Nepali migrant workers employed by labour supply companies and contracted to work in Amazon’s warehouses in Saudi Arabia. Many of the men interviewed for this research are highly likely to be victims of human trafficking. The report shows that despite being aware of the high risk of labour abuse in Saudi Arabia, Amazon failed to take sufficient action to prevent such abuses or to provide effective and timely remedy when they did. More broadly, the research provides a clear example of the high risks businesses face if they operate in Saudi Arabia without taking proper measures and safeguards to protect migrant workers and their labour rights.