Germany: German Institute for Human Rights presents baseline assessment for natl. action plan on business & human rights
The German Institute for Human Rights presented its National Baseline Assessment on business and human rights on 6 May 2015 in a plenary session at the Ministry of Social and Labour Affairs in Berlin. The study, which will form the basis for discussion among the stakeholders involved in the process of developing Germany's National Action Plan on business and human rights under the auspices.
The study touches upon existing national mechanisms for the protection of human rights in the business sphere and identifies areas for improvement. It also suggests specific steps that can be taken to implement the UN Guiding Principles in Germany and by German business and investments abroad.
Under the auspices of the German Foreign Office, stakeholders will meet at specific workshops addressing topics of debate and high public interest until November 2015. In December 2015, the results of these workshops will be collected and a first draft of the NAP is scheduled for March 2016. It will be disucssed in the cabinet in spring 2016.
The National Baseline Assessment is currently only available in German (translation into English forthcoming).