Global online consultation on Draft Hague Rules on Business & Human Rights Arbitration (by 25 Aug 2019)
The publication of the draft text of the Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration represents a milestone in our project, as we are finally able to provide those following the project with a complete set of draft provisions which forms the basis for the final version of our work.
The draft text is based on the UNCITRAL Rules and adapted to the unique features of business human rights disputes as discussed in the Elements Paper of last November, and taking into account the comments submitted by members of the Sounding Board and others during our first public consultation in November through January...
Today we open a second consultation on the draft text of the Hague Rules. We look forward to receiving comments from all interested stakeholders. For that reason, we have elaborated some tools to facilitate this task...
With respect to the consultation process, the button on the right will give readers access to the text of the Rules and to an editable PDF form complete with comment boxes for each draft rule. Reviewers are encouraged to offer both general reactions and article-by-article comments to any or all draft text. Please send your saved PDF form with your comments to the following email address:
In order to allow the Drafting Team to digest what we hope will be a large number of comments on your part in time for the publication of the Rules on 10 December, the second consultation will close on 25 August 2019.