Impunity continues in the Berta Cáceres case
- The decision of the Supreme Court of Justice to remove Judge Lisseth Rosario Vallecillo Banegas raises strong concerns about the intentions of continued impunity for the intellectual authors of the crime, the Atala Zablah family.
- Judge Vallecillo’s actions have accompanied and facilitated the dilatory tactics of David Castillo’s defense. As proof of this, nearly a year and four months have passed since the preliminary hearing started, a hearing that has yet to be concluded due to appeals and suspensions requested by the defense. Whatsmore, the Court’s decision comes just days before David Castillo’s pre trial detention period runs out and without the public trial still not taking place.
- The judicial process has been unjustifiably delayed, which is the responsibility of the judiciary.
- The delays presented in bad faith by the defense of David Castillo, the lawyers Sánchez Cantillano and Ritza Antunes, have created the conditions for manipulation in search of impunity in this process and with regard to the investigation of Daniel Atala Midence, Jose Atala Zablah, Jacobo Atala Zablah and Pedro Atala Zablah...