Indigenous Blockade River, Thwart Talisman Operations in Peru's Amazon
More than 100 Shuar indigenous people have blockaded the Morona River, disrupting Canadian-based Talisman Energy's exploratory drilling operations in remote oil Block 64 of the Peruvian Amazon. At least four of Talisman's cargo boats have been detained in the blockade...The action highlights escalating tensions between local indigenous groups and the oil company. "[We] want to protect our territory from indiscriminate exploitation and abuse of our renewable and non-renewable resources," said the a statement, "Talisman has not completed the prior process of consultation and relevant agreements in the framework of respect of the Shuar people of Morona...we do not want Talisman in Shuar territory."...The Shuar are calling for an alternative form of development, without contamination and discrimination, which would respect their way of life, spirituality, and self-determination.