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9 Nov 2020

Haley Messenger, NBC News

Jamie Dimon, Jeff Bezos and other business leaders react to Biden, Harris victory

"Unity, empathy, and decency are not characteristics of a bygone era," Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who has had his share of disputes with Trump, wrote on Instagram. "Congratulations President-elect @JoeBiden and Vice President-elect @KamalaHarris. By voting in record numbers, the American people proved again that our democracy is strong."

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase echoed that sentiment, saying in a statement, "Now is a time for unity," and calling for Americans to come together and move forward with the outcome after Trump refused to concede. "We must respect the results of the U.S. presidential election and, as we have with every election, honor the decision of the voters and support a peaceful transition of power," Dimon said.

... Other business leaders, including Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, focused on the immense task of beating back the coronavirus... Gates tweeted that he looks "forward to working with the new administration and leaders on both sides in Congress on getting the surging pandemic under control" following his numerous criticisms of the Trump administration's response... "As you convene a Covid-19 task force, we recommend that your administration also establish a Scientific Readiness Reserve — a body of scientists and computing resources from the private sector that can be swiftly mobilized in times of crisis," Krishna advised, saying IBM has already "laid some groundwork" to advance research into treatments for the coronavirus.
