Kyrgyzstan: Kichi-Chaarat employees complain about working conditions & low salaries
Date indiquée: 13 Jul 2019
Lieu: Kirghizistan
Kichi Chaarat CJSC - Parent CompanyProjets
Kichi-Chaarat mine - OperationConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Travailleurs: ( Chiffre inconnu - Kirghizistan , Exploitation minière , Men )Enjeux
Salaire décent , Travail : GénéralitésRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: News outlet
Date indiquée: 13 Jul 2019
Lieu: Kirghizistan
Kichi Chaarat CJSC - Parent CompanyProjets
Kichi-Chaarat mine - OperationConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Travailleurs: ( Chiffre inconnu - Kirghizistan , Exploitation minière , Men )Enjeux
Travail et conditionsRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: News outlet
[Translation prepared by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]
Kichi-Chaarat miners are dissatisfied with working conditions and pay, 13 July 2019
Employees of the Chinese mining company Kichi-Chaarat, located in the Chatkal district of the Jalal-Abad region, met with the representative of the government in the region, Kiyanbek Satybaldiev, and spoke about their poor salaries and working conditions.
...Employees of “Kichi-Chaarat” voiced complaints regarding the size of their salaries and work uniforms. I contacted the company management about this. In addition, the issue will be raised at the government level,” said Governor Satybaldiev.
Employees work 12 hours a day and receive a salary of 14,000 soms. According to local residents, after strikes and negotiations with the company management, their wages were increased by 500-1000 soms, but the problem of low wages has not been resolved yet, citing the fact that the gold production process has not been launched yet. The company promises to increase employees' salaries, but gradually...