Fait partie des chronologies suivantes
Global Business Council on HIV/AIDS
India: Bhopal survivors protest government request to reduce charges against ex-Union Carbide boss from culpable homicide to negligence
India: Letter to Dow/Dupont boards ahead of stockholder meeting
Langues disponibles: English -
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Bhopal Survivors Stage Protest Over Lessened Accusation - India Seeks to Reduce Charge Facing Ex-Union Carbide Boss
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
Indian government goes soft on Bhopal crimes - Indians protest reduced charges for Union Carbide CEO
Update on human rights lawsuits against companies under US Alien Tort Claims Act, including ChevronTexaco, Coca-Cola, ExxonMobil, Shell, Unocal
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Summary of ATCA Cases Involving Multinational Corporations
Langues disponibles: English -
Landmark Court Rulings
Langues disponibles: English -
Recent ATCA Cases Against Corporate Defendants
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
Amnesty Intl. seeks investigation by US securities regulators of Dow attempts to seek indemnity in India for Bhopal liabilities
Bhopal gas tragedy: Amnesty International lobbies US on human rights issues in India
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Comment on Dow Chemical response regarding Bhopal & Amnesty letter to US Securities & Exchange Commission
Langues disponibles: English -
Dow response to Business & Human Rights Resource Centre regarding concerns raised by Amnesty International USA related to Bhopal
Langues disponibles: English -
Dow secretly pressurising Indian govt, says Amnesty
Langues disponibles: English -
Amnesty International Seeks SEC Investigation of Dow Chemical [USA]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
India: Will govt. follow through on requiring Dow to take responsibility for Bhopal clean-up? (Business Standard)
Sreelatha Menon:Time to bury the Bhopal tragedy ghost?
Langues disponibles: English -
Dow Chemical: Liable for Bhopal?
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
India: Court re-issues arrest warrant for former Union Carbide CEO, over Bhopal disaster
Wife: Ex-Exec 'Haunted' by Bhopal Gas Leak
Langues disponibles: English -
New moves over Bhopal disaster [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
18 members of U.S. Congress call on Dow Chemical to compensate Bhopal victims
Bhopal Gas Tragedy: No private party can claim damages, Union Carbide tells SC
Langues disponibles: English -
India: Letter to Dow/Dupont boards ahead of stockholder meeting
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
US Congressmen ask Dow to help Bhopal gas victims
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
US court says Bhopal water pollution claims against Union Carbide can proceed
Bhopal gas victims, govt call truce [India]
Bhopal gas tragedy: Amnesty International lobbies US on human rights issues in India
Langues disponibles: English -
India: Letter to Dow/Dupont boards ahead of stockholder meeting
Langues disponibles: English -
India: Sabotage led to Bhopal gas tragedy: Former plant manager of UCIL
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal celebrates historic victory after 172 day campaign
Langues disponibles: English -
Historic statement by the Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal gas victims, govt call truce [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Report by Intl. Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights to UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on human rights responsibilities of business
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
[PDF] Presentación Conjunta ante la Oficina del Alto Comisionado (OACDH) sobre las Responsabilidades de las Empresas respecto de los Derechos Humanos
Langues disponibles: español -
[PDF] Steps toward Corporate Accountability for Human Rights: ESCR-Net Report to OHCHR [Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights] on the Human Rights Responsibilities of Business
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Déclaration commune à l’adresse du Bureau du Haut commissaire aux droits de l’homme des Nations unies (BHCDH) sur les responsabilités des entreprises
Voir l'affaire complète
Speech of Rachna Dhingra, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, India at the Public Eye on Davos 2005
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
company response: Statement of The Dow Chemical Company Regarding the Bhopal Tragedy
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Speech of Rachna Dhingra, International Campaign for Justice in Bhopal, India at the Public Eye on Davos 2005
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
UK: Yes Men ask Dow executives to drink contaminated water - highlighting after-effects of Bhopal gas disaster
Statement of The Dow Chemical Company Regarding the Bhopal Tragedy
Langues disponibles: English -
Yes Men challenge Dow with bottled water stunt [UK]
Langues disponibles: English -
Dow runs scared from water
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Indra Sinha: Bhopal disaster victims' suffering "emblematic of the struggle faced by huge numbers of Indians"
[Comments by Indra Sinha on the sequence of events leading to the Bhopal disaster]
Langues disponibles: English -
Victims of the Bhopal Disaster: Abandoned to Their Fate
Langues disponibles: English -
Statement of The Dow Chemical Company Regarding the Bhopal Tragedy
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Dow Chemical Shareholders' Message to Management: Address Specific Health, Environmental and Social Concerns of Bhopal, India survivors
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Dow Chemical Shareholders' Message to Management: Address Specific Health, Environmental and Social Concerns of Bhopal, India survivors
Langues disponibles: English -
company response: Statement of The Dow Chemical Company Regarding the Bhopal Tragedy
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
Water, soil still a killer at Bhopal’s ground zero [India]
full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa, and the Triumph of Human Rights
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] full report: "In Our Court: ATCA, Sosa and the Triumph of Human Rights"
Langues disponibles: English -
Landmark Court Rulings
Langues disponibles: English
Voir l'affaire complète
India: 25 years after Bhopal gas disaster, health and environmental impact still contested
The remains of the night [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
Their story is the story of Bhopal [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
25 yrs on, a walk through the Carbide plant [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Dow Chemical Investors Message to Management: PR Campaign Cannot Gloss Over Suffering of 100,000 People in Bhopal with No Acknowledgment of Corporate Responsibility
Indian court finds Union Carbide India and seven top executives guilty for their role in 1984 Bhopal disaster that left thousands dead
[New & updated case profiles of key business & human rights lawsuits]
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal: 25 ans pour rendre justice, encore plus longtemps pour dépolluer
Bhopal gas tragedy case: MP Govt to file appeal
Langues disponibles: English -
Indian court finds chemical execs guilty in Bhopal disaster
Langues disponibles: English -
India: First convictions for 1984 Union Carbide disaster too little, too late
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal gas leak convictions not enough, say campaigners
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
FIDH launches guide for victims & NGOs on recourse mechanisms in cases of corporate-related human rights violations
Empresas y violaciones a los derechos humanos - una guía sobre mecanismos de denuncia para víctimas y ONG
Langues disponibles: español -
Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: A Guide for Victims and NGOs on Recourse Mechanisms
Langues disponibles: English -
Entreprises et Droits de l'Homme : Un guide sur les recours existants à l'intention des victimes et ONG
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launches first regional briefing – business & human rights in South Asia
Report commissioned by US Chamber of Commerce on lawsuits against US firms for alleged abuses overseas - accuses lawyers, plaintiffs, advocates of unethical tactics
[PDF] Missing the Point: A response to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce report “Think Globally, Sue Locally”
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Think globally, sue locally: Out-of-court tactics employed by plaintiffs, their lawyers, and their advocates in transnational tort cases
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
India: Supreme Court rejects petition to re-open 1984 Bhopal gas disaster case seeking harsher sentences for former Union Carbide managers
India: Campaigners criticise Olympic authorities in London for accepting Dow Chemical's sponsorship citing links to Bhopal disaster
New book "Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations - Humanizing Business", by Surya Deva (flyer provides 20 percent discount)
Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations - Humanizing Business [book profile on Routledge website]
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Regulating Corporate Human Rights Violations - Humanizing Business [flyer provides 20 percent discount]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Updated version of guidebook on "Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses", includes chapter on mediation following revision of OECD guidelines
Updated version: Corporate Accountability for Human Rights Abuses: A Guide for Victims and NGOs on Recourse Mechanisms
Langues disponibles: English -
Publication version actualisée : Entreprises et violations des droits de l’Homme : Un guide sur les recours existants à l’attention des victimes et ONGs
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
India: US court rejects case against Union Carbide - petition was over pollution of soil and groundwater from Bhopal gas tragedy
Bhopal gas tragedy: Amnesty International lobbies US on human rights issues in India
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal gas tragedy: US court rejects case against Union Carbide [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Sahu v. Union Carbide Corporation, Warren Anderson - Summary Order
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
India: Court order for Dow to appear, proposed cleanup plan are “ray of hope” for survivors of Bhopal gas disaster that killed over 22,000, says Amnesty
India: Sabotage led to Bhopal gas tragedy: Former plant manager of UCIL
Langues disponibles: English -
India: Bhopal organisation moves for ex-parte trial proceedings against Dow Chemical
Langues disponibles: English -
Ray of hope for survivors of the Bhopal disaster [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
Bhopal gas tragedy: A timeline [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
Contamination of UCIL site remains a threat for Bhopal [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
India: Court decision requires Dow Chemical to respond to Bhopal gas tragedy [India]
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 10, Sep 2013
[PDF] Boletín Trimestral de Responsabilidad legal empresarial – No.10, septiembre 2013
Langues disponibles: español -
[PDF] Bulletin Trimestriel sur la Responsabilité Juridique des Entreprises - Numéro 10, septembre 2013
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Bulletin – Issue 10, Sep 2013
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète
Strategic lawsuits against public participation increasingly used by companies to silence human rights defenders, says journalist
How about a SLAPP for your trouble?
Langues disponibles: English -
[PDF] Bulletin Annuel - Responsabilité juridique des entreprises : Résumé exécutif
[PDF] Informe Anual - Responsabilidad Legal Empresarial: Resumen Ejecutivo
Langues disponibles: español -
[PDF] Corporate Legal Accountability Annual Briefing
Langues disponibles: English -
La Coalition Mondiale des Entreprises contre le VIH/SIDA
Voir l'affaire complète