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Attaque contre un défenseur des droits de l'homme

7 Mar 2021

Mark “Makmak” Lee Coros Bacasno - San Isidro Kasiglahan, Kapatiran at Damayan para sa Kabuhayan, Katarungan at Kapayapaan (SIKKAD-K3)

Date de l'incident
7 Mar 2021
Exactitude de la date
Tout est correct
Mark “Makmak” Lee Coros Bacasno
San Isidro Kasiglahan, Kapatiran at Damayan para sa Kabuhayan, Katarungan at Kapayapaan (SIKKAD-K3)
Groupe de défense des droits de l'homme
Cible: Individuel
Lieu de l'incident: Philippines
Autres acteurs


At least nine activists have been killed following simultaneous police raids in the northern Philippines on March 7, 2021, in what has been defined a "Bloody Sunday" by rights groups. The raids were carried out after President Rodrigo Duterte ordered government forces to “kill” and “finish off” all alleged communist rebels in the country. Six people were also arrested during the raids in three provinces surrounding Metro Manila, while at least six others “escaped”. Mark Lee Bacasno, known to many as “Makmak”, is one of the killed activists. He was a member of San Isidro Kasiglahan, Kapatiran at Damayan para sa Kabuhayan, Katarungan at Kapayapaan (SIKKAD-K3), a legal organization that advocates for housing rights in Kasiglahan Village, Rodriguez, Rizal. SIKKAD-K3 also opposes the quarrying activities in Rizal province.