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17 Avr 2023

K. Parkaran, Free Malaysia Today

Ministry probing firm named in stranded Bangladeshis’ work visas

The human resources ministry is investigating the firm whose name appeared in the temporary work visas of the 95 Bangladeshi workers who were without jobs after landing in the country in December.

According to labour department director-general Asri Rahman, the probe is related to claims by NGOs and activists that the company may have been abusing the foreign workers quota.

“(The company) is still under investigation. Once we complete our investigation we will revert back or call for a press conference,” he told FMT in a brief WhatsApp message.

He was asked about claims that the firm, whose name is being withheld pending a response, is using it as a front to bring in the foreign workers with misleading data.

A check with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM) shows the company was established in 2003 and its nature of business is manufacturing, assembling and trading of electronic products, contractors, renovators and other related construction works...
