Myanmar: Beaume International Garment management call police & army to handle employer-employee dispute
Date indiquée: 8 Fév 2024
Lieu: Birmanie
Beaume - Buyer , Jeans Fritz - Buyer , Lidl - Former buyer , JD Sports Fashion - Reported buyer , Popular Garment/Beaume International Garment - Supplier , Regatta - Former buyer , Iturri - BuyerConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 1100
Travailleurs: ( 1100 - Lieu inconnu , Vêtements et textile , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Salaire impayé , Objectifs de production excessifs , Santé mentale , Santé et sécurité au travail , Refus de congé , Refus de contrats à durée indéterminée , Collusion entre les entreprises et l'armée , Travail des enfantsRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par BHRRC
Affaire contenant la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Popular Garment allegedly supplies or has supplied to to Lidl, Regatta, JD Sports, Beaume, Jeans Fritz and Iturri; Beaume provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. Jeans Fritz and Iturri did not respond. Regatta has previously stated it does not have current business with the factory in response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre. JD Sports previously stated in 2022 that it had not proceeded with production at the factory after authorisation. Lidl has previously stated that it had stopped business with the factory from September 2021.
Type de source: News outlet
"The employer called the police and the army to discuss the employer-labor dispute", 8 February 2024
At Beaume International Garment...the employer called the police and the army to discuss the labor dispute.
The factory was opened in the same area as POPULAR International Garment...and the workers of the previous factory...have been both factories for more than 3 years, the worker said.
Currently, the workers want to know which factory they have to work in permanently, so the employer and employee discussions were held on January 31st to make it clear [whether the] length of work experience in the previous factory [was considered].
In such a discussion, the employer called the police and the army and cleared the situation until 9:00 p.m., but the worker said that there was no result.
Currently, the workers are being forced to [work] in 2 factories, and the workers are working with anxiety due to the excessive demands of the garment workers...
It is said that without the formation of a trade union in the workplace, there is no resolution of workplace disputes.
In addition, there are day laborers who have been working for 8 to 9 months in the workplace, and them if they do not work...
In addition, young workers under the age of 18 are being forced to work in unhealthy places, and they have to work in the midst of bad smells, and the worker said that it is an unsafe workplace.
The worker said that if he misses a day of work because he does not get the statutory leave, he will be cut 5,800 kyats and 27,000 kyats per day.
...the workers [request the factory] to give legal benefits to the workers who worked at the Popular clarify the odors coming out of the workplace, to confirm the appointment of day laborers with more than 3 [months] of service, and to request the full payment of daily allowances...
The factory [makes clothes for brands including] I'Z FRONTIER...Beaume, Branded warm...More than 1,100 workers are said to be sewing the jeans.