Myanmar: Garment workers at Kamcaine Garment factory report forced & unpaid overtime, harassment of women workers & denial of owed benefits
Date indiquée: 25 Avr 2022
Lieu: Birmanie
Kamcaine Garment - SupplierConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 700
Travailleurs: ( 700 - Lieu inconnu , Vêtements et textile , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Salaire impayé , Discrimination fondée sur le sexe , Heures supplémentaires obligatoires , Liberté syndicale , LicenciementRéponse
Response sought: Non
Type de source: News outlet
KAMCAINE GARMENT garment workers say they are being exploited for political reasons”, 25 April 2022
Workers at the KAMCAINE Garment factory say union leaders have been fired and that workers are being exploited for political reasons…
"Workers are being forced to [meet] standards and then forced to [work overtime] for free on Sundays," he said…
According to the workers, women workers are being harassed if they do not meet the standards…
"Now we do not have any legal benefits. We do not get any social security benefits...."…
[Translation via Google Translate]