Myanmar: Garment workers report harassment and increased workload at Honor Apparel
Date indiquée: 21 Mai 2022
Lieu: Birmanie
Kiabi - Former buyer , HK Works London - Buyer , Honor Apparel Garment - Supplier , C&A - Former buyer , LC Waikiki - Buyer , Bestseller - Reported buyer , OVS SpA - Former buyer , LPP Spółka Akcyjna - Buyer , ONLY (part of Bestseller) - Reported buyer , Sinsay (part of LPP S.A.) - Buyer , KappAhl - Former buyer , House (part of LPP S.A) - BuyerConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 800
Travailleurs: ( 800 - Lieu inconnu , Vêtements et textile , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Discrimination fondée sur le sexe , Objectifs de production excessifs , Santé personnelle , Salaire impayé , Santé et sécurité au travailRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par BHRRC
Affaire contenant la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Honor Apparel allegedly supplies or has supplied to to C&A, Kiabi, KappAhl, LPP S.A., OVS S.p.A, BESTSELLER, LC Waikiki and HK Works London; C&A, Kiabi, KappAhl, LPP S.A. and OVS S.p.A responded to an invitation to respond. LC Waikiki and HK Works London did not respond. Kiabi stated it no longer sourced from the factory from April 2022. KappAhl stated its last order with the factory was placed in 2020, and OVS S.p.A said it no longer sources from the factory. C&A stated it no longer sources from Myanmar. BESTSELLER has previously stated it does not source from the factory.
Type de source: News outlet
“Workers at Honor Apparel Garment Factory say there are workplace harassment and problems” 21 May 2022
Previously, a total of 250 garments were set for eight hours of work and two hours of overtime, but now the number of garments has been increased to 400...
The factory workers...they are being replaced by unskilled workers...
In the second week of March 2021, the factory was temporarily closed for six months after a fire, and reopened in October without informing the workers…
"[bonuses are] deducted from the monthly salary of the garment workers…for no reason.
"In the past, the daily standard of clothing was eight hours of work and two hours of overtime for a total of 10 hours for 250 garments. Now…the standard number of garments is being increased up to 400 per day. We have to sew 150 more garments than before…”said an employee at the Honor Apparel garment factory.
He also said that in the workplace, employees are being rudely insulted…
The factory workers also want the hot and cold water heaters to be installed at the site and to have enough cleaners.
OVS [clothing is]…made at the Honor Apparel Garment Factory…
[Translation via Google Translate]