Myanmar: Workers being forced to meet high targets with fewer workers
Date indiquée: 16 Mar 2024
Lieu: Birmanie
Hennes & Mauritz (H&M) - Former buyer , New Yorker - Buyer , Saung Oo Shwe Nay (Golden Sunshine) - SupplierConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: 25
Travailleurs: ( 25 - Lieu inconnu , Vêtements et textile , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Objectifs de production excessifsRéponse
Réponse demandée : Oui, par BHRRC
Affaire contenant la réponse: (En savoir plus)
Mesures prises: Saung Ooo Shwe Nay (Golden Sunshine) allegedly supplies to H&M and New Yorker; H&M provided a response to a request for comment from the Resource Centre stating it does not source from the factory. New Yorker did not respond.
Type de source: News outlet
"Saung Oo Shwe Nay factory forced to shut down H&M pants at 27 per hour and 25 workers", 16 March 2024
A...worker said that 25 workers at the Saung Oo Shwe Nay Garment Factory are being forced to sew 27 H&M pants in a record hour...
"...It's like we're being forced to work with fewer workers," said Machine Line 34 Super.
The worker added that the Saung Oo Shwe Nay factory normally uses at least 50 workers to produce such pants. It is also reported that the clothing allowance is not available due to the lack of manpower...
Line 34's super said that sewing with insufficient manpower is profitable for the factory and puts a lot of pressure on the workers. The workers of machine line 34 said that it will not be convenient in the long run and the factory needs to supply the necessary workers.
Saung Oo Shwe Nay Garment Factory is located in Yangon Region. Hlaing Tharay Township...ore than 2,000 factory workers [are manufacturing for] the SMOG brand owned by the...New Yorker...[and] H&M...
[Translation via Google Translate]