Norway: Govt.-appointed committee proposes human rights transparency and due diligence regulation
[draft translation of the Committee's Norwegian report in excerpts - full and official version will be added once available]
"Report from the Ethics Information Committee, appointed by the Norwegian government on June 1, 2018", 28 Nov 2019
The Committee hereby recommends an Act regulating the right to know, enterprises transparency about supply chains and due diligence with respect to human rights and decent work...
...At the outset, the government currently expects all Norwegian companies to act responsibly... Many businesses have pursued these expectations. Experience nevertheless shows that [m]andatory legislation is necessary...
For all businesses, the Committee proposes an obligation to respond to specific enquiries for information. [A]ll businesses will have a duty to know about human rights issues in the company and in the supply chain...
For large undertakings, the draft Act requires due diligence with respect to human rights and decent work, and requirements to disclose the key findings thereof. This comes in addition to the duty to respond to specific enquiries...
...Moreover, for businesses that sell goods to consumers, the Act proposes a duty to publish the manufacturing sites of such goods...
The translation of the draft act can be found on pages 5 to 9 in the PDF linked below.