Peru: Huancuire and Pumamarca communities suffer violent police repression after clashes with mining company MMG La Bambas
Date indiquée: 31 Mai 2024
Lieu: Pérou
China Minmetals - Parent Company , Minera Las Bambas (JV between MMG (62.5%),Guoxin International Investment Co. Ltd (22.5%), and CITIC Metal Co. Ltd (15.0%)) - SubsidiaryProjets
Las BambasConcerné
Nombre total de personnes concernées: Chiffre inconnu
Communauté: ( Chiffre inconnu - Pérou - Secteur inconnu , Gender not reported ) , Ecosystem: ( Chiffre inconnu - Pérou - Secteur inconnu , Gender not reported )Enjeux
Pollution des eaux , Impacts sur les moyens de subsistance , Coups et violence , Blessures , Forces armées de l'Etat , ManifestationsType de source: News outlet

"Repression of conflicts in Las Bambas leaves wounded", 31 May 2024
...Police repression on 30 May against members of two communities around the mining company MMG La Bambas has left almost a dozen people injured, reports CooperAcción.
The Huancuire and Pumamarca communities are involved in two different conflicts over water and land, in which the police intervened in the last few hours with excessive use of force.
...[T]here are complaints that the water sources are being affected by the mining company's operations.
According to what they said, on 29 May, a group of people entered the area where the Chalcobamba pit, the second of the pits of the Las Bambas project, is located and noticed that the water was a bluish colour.
Seeing this strange colouring, the delegation remained at the site awaiting an explanation; however, what arrived was repression with tear gas bombs in the early hours of 30 May.
...[T]hey are demanding the recovery of land sold to the company in 2011 in a transaction they consider unfair.
According to the villagers, the company valued the land at 20 cents per square metre under the false promise of providing employment and development, so they are demanding the return of the land....
Until the afternoon of 31 May, the tension in the area continues and new confrontations could occur, because despite the fact that several of the tents have been burnt down, the community members continue to resist with their presence in the area...