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6 Jul 2021

Karolina Bonde, Unpaid Debt

Prosecutor is ready & the Court rejects a last request from Lundin

Swedish Prosecutor Henrik Attorp has informed the District Court of Stockholm that he planned to finish his last remaining task in the last week of June...

The Prosecutor’s letter is a response to the Court’s request to be informed about the date of a decision. It followed the Court’s denial of a last injunction by one of the suspects, Alex Schneiter, in which he had claimed that the entire investigation should be closed. The injunction tallied with his and Ian Lundin’s legal strategy to portray themselves as victims of human rights violations. The two suspects have been making a series of legal requests and complaints without apparent legal merit that have caused substantial delays in the war crimes investigation. Consequently, they have been denying the victims of war crimes the right to access to justice and prompt redress, something they are waiting for over twenty years.  

Schneiter’s latest complaint mainly focuses on lack of information about the principal crimes committed in Sudan, such as indiscriminate attacks of civilians, the use of hunger as a weapon of war, forced displacement, and the use of child soldiers. The time, place and characteristics of these crimes are of less importance to the defence since Lundin and Schneiter are not prosecuted for committing these crimes, but for having promoted them through “words or deed”. This could have occurred at a different time and different place then when and where the principal crimes took place.  

Commenting on the defence’s request, Prosecutor Henrik Attorp highlights that when Alex Schneiter was notified in 2016 that he was under suspicion of aiding and abetting a violation of international law. He was also provided with a comprehensive and detailed description of the suspicions regarding both the alleged main crimes and the alleged aiding and abetting of these crimes. After that, there was a ten-day break before the interrogation with him began to allow him and his lawyers ample time to study the Description of the Suspicion...  
